How to Use Ellipes Tool in Photoshop


How to use Ellipes tool in Photoshope

How to merge multiple layers

expert mode tips

font options

borders adjustment

deform tool

adding border to layer

Thickening enhancement

Canvas tags

mouse smoothing

create image on computer and import as jpg file

create image on computer and import as jpg file vignette control



visual mode presets

my own preset.

Practical tutorials

Windows XP:

Photoshop CS6:

What’s next?

Due to your demand, I’m planning to write a book on the subject of Adjustment Layers. I will introduce some tips and techniques for adjusting layers and give you the fundamentals about each of the five categories (color, Blending, Curves, Shadows, Highlights). I would like to create a comprehensive reference book for you. Do let me know if you would like to see the book in a near future.

Thank you for reading

Before we move on, you must have a good knowledge of image editing software. Read my tutorials about Photoshop CS5 and Photoshop CC. The tutorial here is in Photoshop CS5 (Vintage White).

Photoshop CS6 Download

Want to know more about Photoshop?

The most popular question you’re probably getting: How do I install Photoshop CS6? Well, I am always open to your requests and suggestions. As you’ll see in a moment, the only exception is if you are a student, but that can be arranged by contacting me on my profile.

Other things you might want to know:

Your guess is as good as mine about all the functions of Photoshop CS6. Even though this has been the most widely used (especially for hobbyists), it’s still a mystery to many.

Some of the new cool things that Photoshop CS6 has brought to the table.

You should also learn about TAB Editing. TAB is a keyboard shortcut that allows you to jump to the next selection point and then return to where you were before.

We’ll be adding new features to Photoshop CS6 here every Friday. Be sure to subscribe so you won’t miss out.

Today’s question is: How do I install Photoshop CS6?

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– Skywinder

P.S. I’m no longer accepting new questions. If you still want to know more about Photoshop CS6 and what can you expect from Photoshop CS6, please subscribe to my channel.

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