Blur tool Photoshop
Has a very handy image tool that does just that. You can blur an image by clicking the big rectangle with a line through it. You can even crop it to adjust the size, and control the color and clarity. For example, to increase the effect of blur, you can adjust the settings under the crop textbox.
2. Brush Tool
This tool gives you a great way to quickly enhance an image, add a touch of depth or bring out details that may otherwise be hidden. In Photoshop, you can use the Brush tool to paint over an image with a dark, almost charcoal-like tone to draw attention to the shadows. Or you can use it to emphasize features on your subject that you’d like to stand out.
3. Rectangular Marquee Tool
If you want to create a rectangular marquee, then you should use the rectangular marquee tool. The rectangular marquee tool is great for shaping an image, to give it a particular look. You can click the middle button and then use the dots and arrows to select parts of an image. Once you’re done, you can choose to Ctrl + A or Ctrl + C to save it.
4. Lines Tool
In Adobe Photoshop, the lines tool has a lot of possibilities. You can make lines in three dimensions, to simulate a simple looking path, or create complex 3D curves. For example, if you want to add a design or illustration style to an image, you can use the line tool to draw a line that will fade to the other side of the image.
5. Magic Wand Tool
The magic wand tool is a versatile tool. It can be used to draw a straight line, draw a curve, or even create a simple line or curve. You can even draw a hairline and then use the color to highlight that area.
6. Hairline Tool
One of the best tools for adding a realistic appearance to an image is the hairline tool. The hairline tool is especially useful when you want to create hair textures on your subjects. You can use it to adjust the size and shape of a part of your subject’s hair. You can also erase the area and create a wave or curl to the hair.
7. Blending Mode
Blending mode lets you control how the light and the shadows interact on the same image. For example, you can make the light and the shadows blend seamlessly, or even combine them to create a look that feels more realistic. You can do this by choosing from several blending modes. For example, you can choose an image mode to either exclude the light, or one that includes it.
8. Fill Mode
It’s easy to add a lot of details to an image with the Fill mode. In this mode, you can add a lot of color, brush strokes, or elements that will act as a fill in the subject area. You can choose from the Brush, Brush Stroke, Glow, Flip, Blending, Masks, and Curves modes.
9. Fill Gradient
Once you decide to use the Fill mode, you can start using the Fill Gradient tool. This tool lets you create